Happy Saturday.....Sale on Teacher's Notebook

Happy Saturday!! I finished all of my report cards this week....signed, sealed, delivered. :) I should be driving Mr. Hubby to the emergency room but "Miss Darling", my daughter has a softball game. So instead he is resting with a bag of frozen peas on his elbow until I get back in a few hours. He did something to it yesterday because when he woke up today it was the size of a baseball, YIKES.

Well 8 hours later...axe that idea, he was in too much pain to wait. We spent the entire day in the ER running tests and doing a minor surgical procedure on his elbow. He has to go see a specialist/surgeon this week. Guess he cant drive either....because driving the kids to all of their activities just didn't fill quite enough of my time....OMG...LOL. I have several activities started but nothing new to share today, maybe tomorrow. I think I have too many projects started at the same time. Anyone else like that? I need to focus on getting one thing made at a time!

Teacher's Notebook has revamped their site and added some new features to make navigating easier. I decided to try some out so I am having a little sale on all of my items for the weekend. Here is a link to my store.

I better scoot, I think I could sleep now until tomorrow. Have a great weekend!!

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